USS Beverly Crusher (NCC-94627)
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Posts : 67
Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Tue May 21, 2024 11:48 am
Coryn Vinoda sat alone in his ready room aboard the newly minted USS Beverly Crusher. The McCoy Class medical cruiser had been built upon a refit of the Intrepid Class that had served the Federation well over the last several years. Looking out the window at the spacedock, he was eager to get underway. It had been a long two years of recovery and rehab, and he longed for the freedom he felt in open space. Unfortunately there were still many things to get accomplished before the Crusher could set out on her shakedown cruise, chief among them was filling out his command staff. He felt good about the individuals he’d selected and was ready to meet them in person. They were scheduled to arrive over the next three days, with the first being the ship’s counselor. Hearing the door chime, he glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that she was indeed right on time. Her reputation had led him to expect nothing else.

Standing from the desk and smoothing the front of his uniform jacket, Coryn said “Enter” and the automatic door slid open.
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Tue May 21, 2024 11:49 am
As the door slid open, Sariah Nalas entered the ready room. She greeted Coryn with a warm smile, exuding a calming presence as she stepped forward. "Lieutenant Sariah Nalas, reporting as scheduled, Captain," she said, her voice gentle yet confident.
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Tue May 21, 2024 11:50 am
“Welcome Lieutenant.” Coryn said warmly, matching her energy and shaking her hand. He then extended his left hand indicating two leather chairs in front of his desk. “Please… have a seat. Would you like anything to drink?” he asked as he moved toward the ready room’s replicator.
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Tue May 21, 2024 11:50 am
"Thank you, Captain," Sariah replied with a nod, taking a seat as indicated. "I'll have a cup of herbal tea, if you don't mind," she added with a smile, appreciating the offer of refreshment after her journey.
As Coryn moved towards the replicator, Sariah took a moment to glance around the ready room, admiring the sleek design and functionality of the space. She felt a sense of anticipation building within her, eager to begin her new assignment aboard the USS Beverly Crusher.
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Tue May 21, 2024 11:50 am
Coryn pressed a button on the replicator and said “One cup of herbal tea, and one glass of unsweetened iced tea.” The drinks materialized immediately and he took them back to his desk. Noticing her looking around the room he said, “Not quite a home yet but once we get underway, it will be nice to make things less sterile.” He passed Sariah her drink and took a seat behind his desk.

“I’ll be honest, I’m glad you are the first member of the command staff to arrive. Obviously there are the formal introductions and psych evals that go along with personnel transfers, but I’m afraid you along with our Chief Medical Officer will have the unenviable task of assessing my fitness for duty as well.” Coryn’s tone was matter of fact. He watched Sariah’s face for any indication of how his words impacted her.
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Tue May 21, 2024 11:51 am
Accepting the cup of herbal tea with a grateful nod, Sariah listened attentively as Coryn spoke. She took a sip of her tea, savoring the soothing warmth as she considered his words. His honesty and openness impressed her, and she appreciated his directness.

"I understand, Captain," Sariah replied calmly, meeting his gaze with empathy in her dark brown eyes. "Assessing your fitness for duty is a standard procedure, and I assure you, I'll approach it with the utmost professionalism and respect for your privacy." She paused for a moment, then added reassuringly, "Your well-being is paramount, Captain. We're here to support you in any way we can."
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Tue May 21, 2024 11:51 am
“If it’s alright with you, I’d prefer to drop the formalities when we’re not in a professional setting. Please call me Coryn.” He said honestly. As a member of his command staff, Vinoda would spend a lot of time with the Counselor and he thought it would benefit them both to build upon their relationship at a personal level.
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Tue May 21, 2024 11:52 am
"Of course, Coryn," Sariah responded with a warm smile, appreciating the gesture. "And please, feel free to call me Sariah. Building a strong rapport and trust among the command staff is essential for our teamwork and the well-being of the crew."

She took another sip of her tea, feeling a sense of camaraderie beginning to form between them. Sariah was glad for the opportunity to establish a more personal connection with Coryn, knowing that it would enhance their working relationship aboard the USS Beverly Crusher
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Tue May 21, 2024 11:52 am
“Thank you Sariah.” He said before taking a drink of his iced tea. “So let’s start with you.” He said light heartedly, “Please tell me more about yourself and how you came to take the position on the Crusher.”
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Tue May 21, 2024 11:53 am
Sariah leaned forward slightly, her expression thoughtful as she began to speak. "Well, I was born and raised on Betazed," she started, a gentle smile gracing her lips as she recalled her upbringing. "Growing up in such an empathic culture, I've always been drawn to understanding and supporting others. It was only natural for me to pursue a career in counseling."

"As for my assignment to the USS Beverly Crusher," she continued, meeting Coryn's gaze directly, "I received a request from you, Coryn. I was honored by the opportunity to join your crew and contribute to the mission of providing medical support and aid along the far reaches of Federation Space. The prospect of embarking on a new adventure alongside such a dedicated and capable captain is truly exciting."
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Tue May 21, 2024 11:53 am
“Well now it feels like you’re trying to flatter me.” Coryn said with a smile. “Thank you for your kind words, I hope that I can live up to them. This is my first command of my own, so it was a little surreal getting to choose the command staff from scratch. Before we move into the phase where you evaluate me, let me give you some background on my situation. He took another drink from his glass before setting it back on the desk.

“As I mentioned this is my first command, my last posting was aboard the USS Horizon as the XO. Just over two years ago at the Battle of Cardassia… well let’s just say things didn’t play out as anyone wanted.” Coryn knew that Sariah had read his file so he didn’t need to delve too deeply into details.

“Normally with the types of injuries I sustained, an individual would get sent off into an early retirement. I was blessed to have a well connected friend who convinced the fleet that instead of putting me out to pasture, to instead send me out on the fringes of known space on a medical ship.” Coryn paused to take another drink from his tea before continuing. “Not everyone was happy with that decision though, so there will be additional scrutiny on both my physical and mental state as we get underway.”

He took a moment to hold her gaze so that she could see the sincerity in his eyes when he spoke next. “I’m more than capable of handling that scrutiny, obviously I’ve been through a hell of a lot worse. That being said, I’m not willing to jeopardize the lives or careers of those under my command so I will lean heavily on your insights to make sure I’m not being a stubborn bastard.”
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Tue May 21, 2024 11:54 am
Sariah listened attentively as Coryn shared his background and the circumstances leading to his assignment as the captain of the USS Beverly Crusher. She could sense the weight of responsibility he carried, both as a new commanding officer and as someone facing additional scrutiny due to his past injuries.

"I appreciate your openness, Coryn," Sariah replied, her voice warm and sincere. "And I want you to know that you can count on me to provide honest and insightful evaluations. My priority is ensuring the well-being of the crew, and that includes supporting you as their captain."

She met his gaze, her own expression reflecting understanding and empathy. "You've already shown tremendous resilience and determination, and I have no doubt that you're more than capable of leading this crew. But you don't have to face these challenges alone. We're all here to support each other, and I'm committed to helping you navigate whatever lies ahead."
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Thu May 23, 2024 10:22 am
Coryn nodded as she spoke before saying, “Very well, shall we move on and let you perform my psych eval. I know you’re probably eager to get settled in and explore our new home.
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Thu May 23, 2024 10:25 am

Sariah nodded, appreciating Coryn's willingness to proceed with the evaluation promptly. "Absolutely, let's get started," she said, her tone professional yet friendly. "This will help us establish a baseline and ensure that we're all set for the mission ahead."

She took out her PADD, ready to take notes. "First, Coryn, I'd like to discuss how you've been feeling overall, both physically and mentally, since your recovery. How have you been managing stress, and have there been any particular challenges you've faced in recent months?"
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Thu May 23, 2024 10:37 am
Coryn took a deliberate drink of his tea as he thought about how to answer the question. Honesty wasn’t an issue, but the CO was a man who was very deliberate with his words and this conversation was no different.

“Really it’s nice to have something tangible for my mind to focus on again. Recovery is such a monotonous process. The tedious day to day of it often makes it hard to see or feel incremental improvements, being away from it now it’s easier to see how far I’ve come and to feel appreciation for it.” He paused a moment and his eyes looked around the ready room, soaking in the moment that only a year ago seemed lost forever.

“Physically I’m as strong as I’ve ever been and while my movement may not be as pretty as it once was, isn’t limited. The main lingering issue I’m dealing with is some nerve pain on the exterior of my left knee. There are medications that I could take to minimize those symptoms, but I don’t like how they make my mind feel so for now it’s more of a pain management issue.” He said with a shrug. Coryn took another drink of his tea, which was now more than half gone.
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Thu May 23, 2024 10:39 am
Sariah listened intently, nodding as Coryn spoke. She appreciated his thoughtful and honest response, recognizing the significance of his recovery journey.

"It's understandable that recovery can feel monotonous and challenging," she said, her voice empathetic. "It's a testament to your strength and determination that you've come so far."

She made a note about the nerve pain and his preference to avoid medication. "It's important to find a balance between managing pain and maintaining mental clarity. We can explore alternative pain management strategies if needed."

Sariah paused for a moment before continuing, "How about emotionally and mentally? Have you experienced any lingering effects or challenges, such as stress, anxiety, or difficulty sleeping? It's crucial that we address all aspects of your well-being to ensure you're fully prepared for the responsibilities ahead."
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Thu May 23, 2024 10:48 am
Again Vinoda took a moment to think through his words. “The first year was particularly tough. There’s always stress and anxiety, which I’ve always dealt with through physical release… but that first year I was not physically capable of participating in my usual diversions.” He stopped a second before saying with a humorous tone, “I should probably call them coping skills.”

“Since I’ve been able to be active though, the stress and anxiety haven’t been anything too heavy to deal with.” He conveniently didn’t mention sleep. He was sure that she wouldn’t let it slide, but that didn’t stop him from trying.
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Thu May 23, 2024 10:49 am
Sariah nodded, noting his honesty about the challenges he faced during the first year of recovery. His use of humor to describe his coping skills brought a small smile to her face, recognizing it as a common way to deal with difficult topics.

"Physical activity is indeed a great way to manage stress and anxiety," she acknowledged. "It's good to hear that you're able to engage in those activities again."

She noticed his omission regarding sleep, a common tactic in such conversations. "And how about your sleep patterns, Coryn?" she asked gently, her tone encouraging openness. "Quality sleep is crucial for overall well-being, especially given your responsibilities as a captain. Have you been experiencing any issues there?"
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Thu May 23, 2024 10:57 am
A wry grin spread across his face as she called him on his omission. “Sleep is very hit or miss. Most nights I sleep like I was knocked unconscious.” His choice of words might seem strange, if not for his background as a boxer. “In the last few months it has been better, but every so often a night will creep up on me that is either sleepless or requires some assistance.”

Taking a sip of his tea allowed him to catch his breath. “I’m not one to lay there and stare at the ceiling. If it’s one of those nights, I will get up and do something. It may not be productive, but it beats laying there.” As he said the words he understood them to be an apt description of an anxiety response, but hell he was human.
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Thu May 23, 2024 10:58 am
Sariah's expression remained understanding as Coryn described his sleep issues. She appreciated his candor and the insight into his methods of dealing with sleepless nights.

"Sleep can often be elusive, especially with the stress and responsibilities that come with your position," she said. "It's good that you find ways to keep yourself occupied during those nights, but we should also explore strategies to help improve your sleep quality overall."

She made a note on her PADD. "There are several approaches we can try, such as relaxation techniques, adjustments to your evening routine, or even some non-medication-based methods to aid sleep. We'll work together to find what suits you best."

Sariah took a sip of her tea and continued, "Remember, it's important to take care of yourself, Coryn. Your crew will rely on you to be at your best, and addressing these issues now will help ensure you're ready for whatever challenges lie ahead."
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Thu May 23, 2024 11:01 am
He nodded silently as she spoke about the importance of sleep and possible remedies. He chose to remain silent about his self prescribed remedies as he waited for her to continue his evaluation.
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Thu May 23, 2024 11:02 am
Sariah appreciated Coryn's willingness to listen and his openness thus far. She took a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing with the evaluation.

"Thank you for sharing all of that, Coryn. It gives me a good understanding of your current state," she said, her tone warm and professional. "Let's shift focus a bit. I'd like to understand how you handle decision-making under pressure. Can you describe a recent situation where you had to make a critical decision and how you approached it?"

She paused, giving him time to reflect. "This will help me gauge your current readiness and resilience, especially in high-stress scenarios that you might encounter as the commanding officer of the Crusher."
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Thu May 23, 2024 11:16 am
Vinoda remained silent for a long moment as he thought best how to answer the question. He had no problem being decisive, but how to verbalize the process was something he hadn’t given much thought.

“Ultimately in my mind, decision making falls into two categories and the way I handle the final decision has a lot to do with which of the buckets it falls into.” Coryn cocked his head slightly as he continued.

“The first category is decisions that require immediate action. In my opinion those decisions are the easiest, because there is a clear and present situation to be addressed. In those moments my priority is always my people, then the mission, then the ramifications. Obviously there are times where the mission will have to take precedence, but if there is a way to safeguard my people and still accomplish the mission that’s the choice I’m going with… that’s what happened in the final moments of the Horizon.”

“The other category is decisions that do not require immediate action. These decisions are harder because there is much more gray area. These decisions are the ones where I will consult as many relevant parties as possible. I’m not looking for my idea, I’m looking for the best idea. These are also the decisions that will generally upset some people because it’s not their idea that gets chosen. These are the decisions that I will talk about the first time I meet with our command staff as a whole. We don’t all have to agree, but when it comes time to execute we all have to be on the same page.”
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Thu May 23, 2024 11:17 am
Sariah listened intently, nodding as Coryn described his approach to decision-making. His clarity and thoughtfulness impressed her, reinforcing her initial impression of him as a capable leader.

"Your approach makes a lot of sense," she said thoughtfully. "Prioritizing your people while balancing the mission objectives shows a strong ethical foundation. And involving your team in decisions that don't require immediate action is a great way to foster collaboration and ensure diverse perspectives are considered."

She made another note on her PADD before continuing. "It's clear that you have a well-thought-out process for handling different types of decisions. How do you manage the stress and pressure that come with making these critical decisions, especially when they involve high stakes or potential conflict within the team?"
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Sariah

Thu May 23, 2024 11:26 am
“This may sound naive, foolish, or arrogant, but I don’t feel much stress or pressure about making hard decisions. Ultimately I’m trying to do what is best for my people. Yes I’m in charge, but leadership is about service and relationships. As long as I’m genuinely trying to serve those under my command, then the stakes are individual in nature as opposed to galactic. As for potential conflict, I welcome it. We have conflict when we’re passionate about things and as long as we’re willing to have difficult conversations about those passions, I think it can serve to deepen relationships.”
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