USS Beverly Crusher (NCC-94627)
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Posts : 67
Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek Empty Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek

Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:50 pm
Coryn sat alone in his ready room, looking out the window at the commotion taking place around the USS Crusher. The ship was only a few days away from departing on her shakedown cruise, and the Starfleet crew of Starbase 12 was working frantically to ensure that everything was in place for departure. It struck Vinoda as ironic how active things were around the ship, while it was so quiet inside of it currently. He knew that would change in the next twelve or so hours as the ship’s crew began arriving and going through their own preparations for departure.

Coryn for his part was waiting for the next member of his command staff to arrive so that they could get the formalities out of the way and set about their individual responsibilities. Turning away from the window and glancing at the schedule on his PADD, he noted that the next meeting was with the Andorian Chief of Security. Though they had never met, the man’s record was exemplary and he was spoken highly of by various people that Coryn trusted, as such it had seemed like a natural choice when the time came to fill out the Crusher’s command staff.
Posts : 67
Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek

Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:52 pm
Lieutenant Commander Thalek zh'Varn walked briskly through the corridors of the USS Beverly Crusher, his footsteps echoing lightly in the otherwise quiet ship. His sharp blue eyes took in every detail, and his antennae twitched slightly as he observed the ongoing preparations. As Chief of Security, it was his responsibility to ensure that every aspect of the ship's security was optimal before their departure.

Reaching the ready room, Thalek straightened his uniform and pressed the chime, announcing his arrival. The door slid open with a soft hiss, and Thalek stepped inside, standing at attention.

"Lieutenant Commander Thalek zh'Varn reporting as ordered, sir," he said, his voice steady and formal. He met Coryn Vinoda's gaze, taking in the commanding officer's towering presence and calm demeanor. Thalek could sense the strength and leadership in Coryn, qualities he deeply respected.
Posts : 67
Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek

Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:57 pm
As the Andorian stepped through the door, Coryn appraised him. To a well trained eye it would be obvious that the two men with security backgrounds were analyzing each other. Extending his right hand in greeting Coryn said, “Welcome Commander. Please have a seat.” He indicated the two chairs sitting before his desk.

As he moved towards the replicator he said, “Can I get you anything to drink?”
Posts : 67
Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek

Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:59 pm
Thalek returned the handshake firmly, appreciating the straightforward greeting. "Thank you, sir," he replied, moving to take a seat in one of the chairs.

"A glass of Andorian ale would be appreciated, if it's available," Thalek said, his antennae subtly adjusting as he relaxed slightly. "Otherwise, a glass of water will suffice."

As he settled into the chair, Thalek continued to observe Coryn, noting the subtle signs of the man's experience and strategic mind. He was looking forward to working under his command and contributing to the success of the USS Beverly Crusher.
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Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek

Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:10 pm
Coryn made a mental note of the COS’s request. Culturally, sharing Andorian ale was a sign of goodwill and camaraderie, after this meeting he would ensure that the ship’s requisitions department acquired some. For the moment he returned to his desk with two glasses of water. Passing one to Thalek, he took a seat in his own chair and took a sip before speaking.

“Once we’re fully stocked, you and I will absolutely have to share an ale. In my experience it makes old war stories infinitely more detailed and interesting.” There was humor in his voice, but sincerity dominated the statement.

“I promise I won’t keep you long, I know you have more than enough to attend to as you prepare to greet your department and run through everything necessary for us to depart on time. That being said, it would be remiss for me not to meet with the command staff as they arrived.”
Posts : 67
Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek

Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:11 pm
Thalek accepted the glass of water with a nod of gratitude. He listened to Coryn's words, appreciating the subtle blend of humor and sincerity. "I look forward to that, Captain. Sharing an ale and some stories sounds like a fine way to build camaraderie," he said, taking a sip of water.

"Thank you for the consideration," Thalek continued. "I appreciate the opportunity to meet with you before we get fully underway. It’s important for the command staff to be aligned from the start. I have reviewed the ship’s security protocols and started preliminary checks, but I’ll be conducting more thorough inspections with my team as soon as they arrive."

Thalek leaned forward slightly, his expression serious but open. "I want to ensure that the USS Beverly Crusher is as secure as possible, especially given our mission focus. If there are any specific concerns or directives you have regarding security, I would like to address them upfront."
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Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek

Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:30 pm
“When we’re not directly engaged in professional duties, please feel free to call me Coryn. Formality and procedure have their place, but when it’s just the two of us or we’re off duty it isn’t necessary.” Vinoda said warmly. He wanted to build rapport amongst his command staff, they were all professionals so the wall of uniform formality didn’t seem like the best way to accomplish that goal.

“The number one security concern I have is simply the fact that our security contingent will be significantly smaller than aboard a standard Starfleet vessel. We’re essentially a flying hospital and the majority of our personnel are doctors. You and I both know that they’ve gone through Starfleet training and are capable, but I can’t help having concerns given that we’re so narrowly removed from the war.” He took another drink of his water before speaking again.

“Bearing that in mind, how would you go about making sure we’re ready for a conflict? Both in your department and as a whole? When the time comes and we have to ask doctors to fight, how will it be decided which ones are ‘pressed into service’ and which are left to perform their medical duties?” The nature of their missions should keep the Crusher from running into situations like that, but Coryn felt that it was better to have a plan that could be changed or kept on the shelf than it was to have to improvise in a moment of peril.
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek

Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:31 pm
Thalek nodded in acknowledgment, appreciating Coryn's approach to formality and camaraderie. "Understood, Coryn," he said, relaxing slightly in his seat.

Listening intently to Coryn's concerns, Thalek shared the same sense of urgency and importance regarding security. He had anticipated these challenges and had been considering various strategies to address them.

"Your concerns are valid, especially considering our primary mission as a medical vessel," Thalek began. "Given our reduced security personnel, my approach will be twofold. First, I will ensure that our dedicated security team is highly trained and prepared for any situation. This includes regular drills, simulations, and cross-training with other departments to maximize our efficiency."

"Second," he continued, "I will implement a comprehensive security protocol that involves all crew members, not just the security team. This will include basic combat and emergency response training for medical staff and other non-security personnel. By equipping everyone with fundamental skills and clear roles in case of an emergency, we can better handle potential threats."

Regarding the pressing of doctors into service, Thalek's antennae twitched thoughtfully. "When it comes to deciding which medical personnel may need to be pressed into security roles, it will be based on a combination of their combat readiness and the critical nature of their medical duties. We will develop a roster that identifies individuals with previous combat training or those who show aptitude during drills. In a crisis, this roster will help us quickly determine who can be temporarily reassigned to security without compromising our medical capabilities."

Thalek took a sip of water, meeting Coryn's eyes. "I believe that with proper preparation and coordination, we can maintain a high level of security while fulfilling our primary mission. Of course, I will keep you updated on our progress and any adjustments we need to make as we go."
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Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek

Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:30 pm
Coryn visibly relaxed slightly as Thalek walked through his plan. The Andorian proved himself to be forward thinking and that reaffirmed Vinoda’s belief in his selection. “Very good. Take some time today as you and your department are getting settled and confirm that we have everything that we need before we get underway. I have faith in the people of Starbase 12, but I also operate under the philosophy of ‘trust but verify.’ Besides… there is always the element of personal preference to be considered when dealing with requisitions. Have that list sent over to the quartermaster by 0800 tomorrow.”

“Anything they cannot have for us before we depart, we can get when we get back from our shakedown cruise. I suspect we’ll discover plenty of needs to fulfill when we’re actually living and working within our individual spaces.” He said with a tone that almost sounded like resignation. He would love to be able to plan for every eventuality, but was pragmatic enough to know that sometimes you didn’t know what you were missing until you didn’t have it.

“That’s enough business for now. I’d like to briefly get to know you better. We’ll have plenty of time soon to get to know each other well, but I have to ask… With your record and experience you could have essentially chosen your post. What made you accept the request to join the Crusher?”
Posts : 67
Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek

Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:32 pm
Thalek nodded in acknowledgment of Coryn's instructions, noting the importance of verifying all requisitions to ensure they were fully prepared. "Understood, Coryn. I'll make sure the list is sent over promptly," he affirmed.

"As for your question," Thalek paused thoughtfully, considering his response. "I have served on various types of ships throughout my career, but the opportunity to join a medical vessel is unique. The USS Beverly Crusher's mission resonates with me. The idea of supporting medical missions, providing aid and assistance to those in need, aligns with my values. I've spent much of my career in conflict zones or on ships with a more traditional military focus. This feels like a chance to make a difference in a different way."

He looked directly at Coryn, his blue eyes steady. "Additionally, your reputation precedes you, Captain. Your leadership during the Battle of Cardassia and your dedication to your crew are well known. When I received your request, I saw it as an opportunity to work under a captain who values both the mission and the people serving under him."

Thalek's antennae twitched slightly, a gesture of sincerity. "I believe in the mission of the USS Beverly Crusher, and I am eager to contribute to its success under your command."
Posts : 67
Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek

Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:38 pm
Coryn listened intently as the COS spoke and understood the desire for something different after the multiple drawn out conflicts Starfleet had been engaged in during its recent history. “Fair enough. I won’t keep you any longer at this time, I know you’re probably eager to start meeting with your people. We’ll meet again once we’re underway, hopefully we’ll have an abundance of time. After all if everything goes smoothly, we’ll just be tagging along while the Doctors do all of the heavy lifting.” Coryn said with a genuine smile as he stood and moved around the desk to shake the COS’s hand before he departed.
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Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek Empty Re: Coryn's First Meeting W/Thalek

Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:39 pm
Thalek rose from his seat as well, returning Coryn's smile with a nod of understanding. "Thank you, Coryn. I look forward to our next meeting. And rest assured, I'll ensure that security is ready to support the medical team in every way possible," he said earnestly.

He shook Coryn's hand firmly, a gesture of mutual respect. "If you need anything in the meantime, don't hesitate to reach out. I'll get the requisition list to the quartermaster and make sure everything is in order before we depart."

With that, Thalek turned and exited the ready room, already thinking about the tasks ahead. He was confident in their preparations but knew there was always more to do to ensure the USS Beverly Crusher was fully prepared for whatever lay ahead.
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