USS Beverly Crusher (NCC-94627)
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Sariah and Thalek - Psych Eval Empty Sariah and Thalek - Psych Eval

Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:29 pm
Lieutenant Commander Thalek zh'Varn entered Lieutenant Sariah Nalas's office, his boots softly tapping against the floor of the USS Beverly Crusher, which was currently docked at Starbase 12. The ship was preparing for its maiden voyage, a shakedown cruise scheduled to depart in approximately 36 hours. Sariah looked up from her desk, her warm Betazoid eyes meeting Thalek's.

Sariah: Commander Thalek, please come in. Have a seat.

Thalek nodded in acknowledgment, his blue eyes studying Sariah's composed demeanor as he took a seat.

Thalek: Lieutenant Nalas. Thank you for fitting me into your schedule. I understand this is mandatory before we depart on our shakedown cruise.

Sariah: It is. Starfleet mandates psychological evaluations for all crew members before departure to ensure we're mentally prepared for the challenges of space travel. But don't worry, this is more about building rapport than anything else. How have you been finding your time aboard the Beverly Crusher?

Thalek: It's been an adjustment, as always with a new ship. But the crew is solid. Captain Vinoda runs a tight ship, and I appreciate the focus on both medical missions and security readiness.

Sariah: Captain Vinoda speaks highly of you. You must have quite the reputation from your time on the Sentinel.

Thalek: smiles I try to maintain a good balance of firmness and diplomacy. Security can be a delicate dance, especially on a ship where we're also focused on medical missions.

Sariah: Absolutely. How do you find the transition from the Sentinel to the Beverly Crusher?

Thalek: It's different, but I see the importance of our mission here. Keeping the crew safe so they can do their jobs effectively is my top priority.

Sariah: That's very commendable, Commander. How have you been adjusting personally to life on the Beverly Crusher?

Thalek: It's been... different. I miss the action sometimes, but this ship has its own challenges. And I've been spending more time on the holodeck to keep my skills sharp.

Sariah: Holodeck time is important for maintaining mental acuity. And it can be a great stress reliever. What do you do on the holodeck?

Thalek: A mix of tactical simulations and ancient Andorian martial arts. Keeps me on my toes.

Sariah: Fascinating! I've heard Andorian martial arts are quite rigorous. It must be a great way to stay in shape.

Thalek: nods It's a good way to stay sharp, both mentally and physically. I find the discipline helps center me.

Sariah: That's wonderful to hear. And how are you finding life on a ship devoted to medical missions?

Thalek: It's different, but I've come to appreciate the unique challenges and responsibilities we have here. We may not always be on the front lines, but we're making a difference in our own way.

Sariah: Definitely. Being part of the crew's well-being is just as important as protecting them physically. How do you cope with the demands of your role?

Thalek: I find my solace in the structure of duty, and in knowing my crewmates have my back. It's an honor to serve with such fine officers.

Sariah: It sounds like you've developed a strong bond with your crewmates already.

Thalek: Indeed. They're a good group. I trust them with my life.

Sariah: It's important to have that trust and camaraderie aboard a starship. Well, Commander Thalek, I think I've heard enough. I have to say, you're handling the transition remarkably well. I'll file my report with the Captain.

Thalek: Thank you, Lieutenant Nalas. It's been a pleasure.

Sariah: Likewise, Commander. If you ever need to talk, my door is always open.

Thalek nodded appreciatively as he rose from his seat. With a crisp nod, he exited Sariah's office, leaving her to reflect on the quiet strength and dedication he exhibited during their session.
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