USS Beverly Crusher (NCC-94627)
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Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn and Kael - Boarding Physical Empty Coryn and Kael - Boarding Physical

Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:01 pm
Lieutenant Commander Vinoda,

I hope this message finds you well as you prepare for the shakedown cruise of the USS Beverly Crusher. I am writing to inform you of an unexpected development regarding your medical staff.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the arrival of your appointed Chief Medical Officer has been delayed. The transport carrying them has encountered logistical issues that will prevent them from joining the Beverly Crusher in time for the commencement of your mission.

In light of this situation, I have appointed Lieutenant Kael Morrak to serve as the Acting Chief Medical Officer. Lt. Morrak has an exemplary service record and brings a wealth of experience in both xenobiology and trauma surgery. His background includes extensive service during the Dominion War and more recent duties aboard the USS Endeavor.

I am confident that Lt. Morrak will provide the necessary leadership and medical expertise to ensure the health and well-being of your crew during this interim period. Please extend him your full cooperation and support as he assumes this critical role.

The shakedown cruise of the USS Beverly Crusher remains a high priority for Starfleet, and I trust that you and your team will adapt to this change with the professionalism and dedication that exemplifies Starfleet values.

Should you require any further assistance or have any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office.

Best regards,
Admiral Laria Rho
Starfleet Command
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Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn and Kael - Boarding Physical Empty Re: Coryn and Kael - Boarding Physical

Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:01 pm
Upon reading the message, Coryn shook his head and thought to himself… this is certainly one hell of a way to start things off. Not only was this his first command, but now the Chief Medical Officer for the Crusher, a medical ship, was delayed. He let out a sigh and stood from his desk, there was nothing to be done about the personnel situation. At this point the Crusher was less than a day from departure and Coryn needed to greet the aCMO and get his pre-departure physical taken care of.

Vinoda moved quickly through the now busy hallways teeming with various Starfleet personnel working feverishly to prepare the ship for departure. The captain did his best to smile and nod in greeting to those he passed in order to establish a positive environment without interrupting any of the work. Boarding the turbolift he said =^=Deck 5=^=.

A moment later Coryn entered the main medical suite and sought out the Tellarite Lieutenant. “Lt. Morrak” He said, extending his right hand in greeting, “Coryn Vinoda, it's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for taking on the burden of acting as our CMO so that we can get underway.”
Posts : 67
Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn and Kael - Boarding Physical Empty Re: Coryn and Kael - Boarding Physical

Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:02 pm
Lieutenant Kael Morrak looked up from the medical console where he was reviewing crew medical records. His dark brown eyes met the gaze of the towering human before him, and he extended his hand in return, grasping Vinoda’s firmly. "Lieutenant Commander Vinoda, the pleasure is mine," he replied, his voice carrying the characteristic gruffness of his Tellarite heritage. "It's not a burden; it's my duty. Besides, I’ve always enjoyed a challenge, and this ship seems full of them."

Kael motioned toward a biobed. "I understand you're here for your pre-departure physical. Let's get this taken care of so you can get back to preparing the ship for launch."

As Coryn took a seat on the biobed, Kael activated the suite's diagnostic systems. "So, Captain," Kael began, using the honorific title out of respect despite Coryn’s official rank, "how are you feeling about the upcoming mission? Anything in particular you're concerned about?"

While the biobed started its scans, Kael maintained his focus on his new commanding officer, keen on establishing a rapport that would ensure smooth collaboration during their time aboard the USS Beverly Crusher.
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Coryn and Kael - Boarding Physical Empty Re: Coryn and Kael - Boarding Physical

Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:08 pm
‘Straight to the point’, Coryn thought as he sat on the indicated biobed. He could appreciate that given the many things the two men were responsible for preparing over the coming day. “The mission seems like it should be pretty straight forward, we’ll get into all of the details when we have our command staff meeting prior to departure. I think we have a good group of people assembled here and that we’ll be able to do some really good things for the sector and beyond.” He said as the doctor began his inspection.

“Though I must admit I do feel a little out of my depth commanding a medical ship, if things go well I should be nothing more than a glorified bus driver.” Vinoda said, his tone full of humor. While his statement was factual, both men had served in Starfleet long enough to know that things could go South in a hurry and that’s when his skill set would be on display.
Posts : 67
Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn and Kael - Boarding Physical Empty Re: Coryn and Kael - Boarding Physical

Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:10 pm

Kael smirked at Vinoda’s comment, his rough features softening slightly. “Glorified bus driver or not, Captain, it’s your leadership that’ll steer this ship through whatever comes our way. And as for feeling out of your depth, trust me, it’s a common feeling on a medical ship. But that’s where we come in—my team and I are here to handle the medical side of things so you can focus on the bigger picture.”

He checked the readouts on the biobed, nodding in approval as the initial scans came through. “Your vitals are excellent, by the way. Seems like that boxing background of yours is still paying off.” Kael tapped a few more buttons, initiating a deeper scan for any underlying issues.

“The transition from a combat-focused ship to a medical one is significant, but in many ways, the principles remain the same: you lead, we support, and together we accomplish our mission. And from what I’ve heard about your record, I’d say the USS Beverly Crusher is in very capable hands.”

Kael glanced up from the console, meeting Vinoda’s gaze. “Anything in particular you’d like to address during this physical? Any lingering issues from your previous injuries that we should keep an eye on?”
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Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn and Kael - Boarding Physical Empty Re: Coryn and Kael - Boarding Physical

Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:19 pm
Coryn listened intently as the aCMO spoke, the man’s words were wise and it reaffirmed command’s appointment of him. “You’re very kind for saying so doctor.” Vinoda responded in regards to the comments about his record and vitals.

The CO had been expecting the question to come and there was no sense in trying to downplay the situation, the aCMO had his records on hand afterall. “When things went bad in the Horizon’s final moments, I got wrecked. I’ve been out of commission for a little over two years. Countless treatments, physical and psychological therapy sessions, and rehab. Even after all of that, I still have lingering issues with my left knee. Structurally everything is fine, ligaments are intact, I have full range of motion and no loss of strength… but it is a pain management issue.”
Posts : 67
Join date : 2024-05-21

Coryn and Kael - Boarding Physical Empty Re: Coryn and Kael - Boarding Physical

Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:20 pm

Kael nodded thoughtfully, his brow furrowing slightly as he listened. "Understood. Pain management can be a tricky thing, especially with an old injury. Let’s take a closer look at that knee."

He adjusted the scanner to focus on Coryn's left knee, the diagnostic display providing a detailed view of the joint. "Structurally, you’re right; everything looks intact. But pain, even without visible damage, can be just as debilitating. We’ll make sure to monitor it closely. If you need anything for the pain, don’t hesitate to let me know. We can adjust your treatment plan as necessary."

Kael stepped back, giving Coryn a reassuring look. "I’ve seen a lot of officers push through pain, but it’s important to take care of yourself, especially now. You’ve got a new command and a crew depending on you. We’ll keep an eye on it, and if it gets worse or you need any additional support, we’ll address it immediately."

He paused, then added with a wry smile, "Besides, we can’t have our ‘glorified bus driver’ limping around, can we?"
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