USS Beverly Crusher (NCC-94627)
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USS Beverly Crusher Empty USS Beverly Crusher

Tue May 21, 2024 11:37 am
McCoy Class Medical Cruiser
DESIGNER(S): Aria T’Var, Jackson Rivers
Mark I


The McCoy-class starship represents a significant evolution in Starfleet's mobile medical capabilities, built upon the reliable and versatile Intrepid-class space frame. Named in honor of the esteemed Starfleet doctor, Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy, the McCoy Class was designed to serve as a beacon of healing and compassion throughout the galaxy.
When it was first introduced, the McCoy-class quickly proved its worth as a state-of-the-art mobile medical facility, capable of providing critical care and support in even the most challenging of circumstances. Its advanced medical facilities and cutting-edge technology set a new standard for medical starships, earning it a reputation as a vital asset in Starfleet's humanitarian efforts.

As the years progressed, the need for a more robust medical vessel became apparent. Starfleet recognized the importance of staying at the forefront of medical innovation and embarked on a design initiative to create a new class of starship with enhanced capabilities. Drawing upon the success of the McCoy-class and the proven reliability of the Intrepid-class frame, Starfleet engineers began work on the next generation of mobile medical vessels.

The McCoy-class's legacy lives on, as Starfleet continues to push the boundaries of medical exploration and discovery. Named for one of Starfleet's most revered physicians, the McCoy-class remains a testament to the enduring commitment of Starfleet to the health and well-being of all sentient beings in the galaxy.

Project Leader: Captain Isabelle "Izzy" Hayes
Engineering Specialist: Commander Maya Chang
Computer Systems Engineer: Lieutenant Commander Elena Ramirez
Medical Facility Overseer: Lieutenant Commander Rachel Nguyen, M.D.
Scientific Consultant: Lieutenant Commander Sofia Patel, Ph.D.
Manual and Documentation: Ensign Xorax, Tellerite Engineering Corps


"The legacy of the McCoy-class is built upon the sturdy foundations of tradition and innovation."

Inspired by the renowned Intrepid-class spaceframe, the McCoy-class starship inherits many of its predecessor's distinctive design elements while incorporating advancements in medical technology and functionality. The vessel's structure remains faithful to the streamlined silhouette of the Intrepid-class, with an upper primary hull and a lower engineering hull.
The primary hull, spanning ten decks, maintains the sleek and aerodynamic profile characteristic of Starfleet vessels. Meanwhile, the engineering hull, consisting of eight decks, provides ample space for propulsion systems and auxiliary equipment, ensuring optimal operational efficiency.

Employing a modified version of the Intrepid-class's hull configuration, the McCoy-class features reinforced duranium framing and tritanium alloys, enhancing structural integrity and durability in deep space environments. Advanced insulation and radiation shielding materials offer enhanced protection against cosmic radiation and other hazards of space travel.
Key design enhancements include variable geometry warp nacelles, allowing for greater warp field stability and efficiency during high-speed travel. Additionally, the incorporation of a reinforced armor layer provides increased resilience against impacts and minor weapons fire, further safeguarding the vessel and its crew.

While retaining the Intrepid-class's renowned planetary landing capabilities, the McCoy-class incorporates improvements in landing gear and stabilization systems, facilitating safe and efficient landings on a wide range of planetary surfaces. Enhanced thruster systems ensure precise maneuverability during atmospheric entry and exit maneuvers.

Mission Modules

Internally Stored

Additional medical and scientific modules are stored within the McCoy-class starship, located on Deck 15. These modules include versatile science laboratories capable of conducting on-site research and analysis in remote or quarantined environments. Prefabricated field hospital kits are also available, enabling rapid deployment of self-sustaining medical facilities on planetary surfaces. Each field hospital is equipped with emergency fusion generators and replicators, ensuring operational autonomy for up to one week under normal conditions. These modules can be deployed via orbital launch or following atmospheric entry and landing procedures, accommodating between 150 and 300 patients based on situational requirements.

Starbase Installed

External mission modules for the McCoy-class are one deck tall and require Starbase facilities for installation and removal. Positioned at the aft of Deck 3, these modules are accessible via corridors extending through the ship's pylons.

Cargo Module

This module expands the McCoy-class's cargo capacity, providing an additional cargo bay that spans the full width of the module between the pylons. Equipped with a cargo transporter and onboard power generation unit, this module serves as a standard addition unless specific mission parameters dictate otherwise.

Shuttle Bay Expansion

Enabling the McCoy-class to accommodate four additional small auxiliary craft, this module expands the ship's shuttle bay capacity. It is two decks tall to ensure safe landing and takeoff procedures for shuttles, shuttle pods, and work bees. When installed, this module extends upwards into the convertible triage deck. Equipped for rapid crew and equipment deployment, it is essential for search and rescue operations or urgent transport missions.

Combat Module

Enhancing the McCoy-class's defensive capabilities, this module adds an additional Type-8 phaser array with 60 emitters on the dorsal surface. It also upgrades the ship's shield systems, incorporating three additional shield emitters and power generators to generate a Type-9 shield configuration. This reinforcement enables the McCoy-class to withstand high-energy environments and provide shield support to nearby vessels within a limited range.

Sensor Upgrade

This module enhances the McCoy-class's sensor systems with a Type-VI sensor suite, extending its scanning capabilities to a high-resolution range of 2.6 light-years and a low-resolution range of 8.4 light-years. Additional power generators and fuel storage are included to accommodate the increased power demands of the upgraded sensor suite, making it suitable for long-range exploration missions.


Sensor Systems

The McCoy-class is equipped with advanced Type-V sensors, providing high-resolution scanning capabilities with a range of 2.14 light-years and low-resolution scanning up to 7.0 light-years.

Computer Systems

Powered by three isolinear computer cores and augmented by a network of 300 bio-neural gel packs, the McCoy Class's computer facilities ensure optimal processing power and efficiency. The ship's interface system features a customized AI known as MEDICUS, specifically designed to oversee medical systems and patient care onboard. MEDICUS facilitates faster data analysis and decision-making in medical and scientific operations, drawing from extensive databases of medical knowledge for multiple species.
MEDICUS also functions as an advanced variant of the standard Starfleet MAJEL interface, offering intuitive visual and auditory feedback for crew members. Its adaptive learning capabilities enable automated scheduling updates, workflow optimization, patient care coordination, and environmental customization, ensuring enhanced crew productivity and efficiency.

Utilizing patient tracking wristbands linked to MEDICUS, medical staff can swiftly locate and monitor non-crew patients in emergency situations, accessing vital information for rapid response and treatment.

Additionally, MEDICUS provides a comprehensive command overview interface on the bridge, allowing officers to monitor ship systems and address minor issues remotely. Basic system repairs and diagnostic tasks can be conducted through the bridge interface, streamlining maintenance operations.
Holographic Systems

The McCoy Class features an advanced holographic system, including three medical holographic programs (MH) and two reception holographic programs (RH). The MH programs comprise two long-term Mark II (LMH) holograms for primary medical duties and one short-term Mark III (EMH) hologram for secondary medical tasks. These holographic medical crew members possess extensive medical knowledge and adaptability, capable of fulfilling various medical roles as needed.

The reception holographic programs, ALBERT for the Dental Suite and HARLEEN for the Psychiatry Suite, offer emergency first aid and triage services within their respective areas. Holographic emitters installed throughout the ship allow medical holograms to extend their assistance beyond medical facilities, enhancing efficiency in treating injuries and providing medical care.

Furthermore, the ship's medical research labs feature holographic display columns, enabling scalable visualization for research projects and exploratory surgeries. Integrated with medical sensors, these displays provide real-time data visualization and analysis, facilitating advanced medical research and diagnostics.


The McCoy Class is outfitted with a state-of-the-art Class-8 warp core, boasting a Cochrane rating exceeding 1909. Its warp propulsion system enables a cruising speed of Warp 6.0, with a maximum sustainable speed of Warp 9.2. In emergencies, the McCoy Class can achieve a maximum velocity of Warp 9.6 for up to 12 hours, with a brief burst capability reaching Warp 9.8 for 3 hours.

The ship's warp nacelles feature variable geometry, capable of adjusting within a 90-degree arc from 45 degrees y-negative to 45 degrees y-positive from relative horizontal orientation. During motion, the nacelles dynamically rotate to maintain parallel alignment with the vessel's vertical axis. By default, the nacelles are positioned at 45 degrees y-negative from horizontal when the ship is not engaged at warp speeds.


The McCoy Class is equipped with two fusion engines positioned at the rear face of each horizontal pylon, providing reliable sublight propulsion. Together, these engines enable the vessel to achieve a maximum impulse speed of 0.27c. The McCoy Class can swiftly accelerate to this velocity in 5.8 seconds and decelerate to a full stop in just 7.3 seconds.


Defensive Shields

The McCoy Class prioritizes its medical mission while incorporating a robust defensive shielding system. Equipped with Type-8 shields, the McCoy Class can withstand a maximum graviton load of 1612 MW and dissipate energy at a rate of 4.38 * 10^5 kW per second. These shields are designed to filter out all known radiation types, crucial for the ship's hazardous medical missions. Additionally, the McCoy Class shields feature a metaphasic function, allowing the vessel to endure the heat and force of a star's corona for extended periods, up to 30 minutes, before shield integrity begins to degrade. Positioned at the fore of the engineering hull, the main deflector array spans from Deck 11 to Deck 13, covering seventy percent of the vessel's width in an oval shape.

Phaser Systems

In line with its defensive focus, the McCoy Class is equipped with limited offensive capabilities for self-defense. It features three Type-8 phaser arrays, each boasting 75 emitters. Two arrays are situated on the dorsal side of Deck 6, offset by 10 meters port and starboard from the centerline. The third Type-8 phaser array is positioned on the aft of the External Mission Module Support Cross Beam. With a maximum energy output of 2.6 MW and an effective range of 150,000 km, these arrays provide sufficient defensive coverage. Additionally, the McCoy Class is outfitted with six Type-7 phaser arrays, each equipped with 60 emitters. These arrays are strategically placed on Decks 5, 10, and 12 to enhance defensive capabilities.

Torpedo Systems

The McCoy Class is equipped with two forward-facing Type-1 torpedo launchers, capable of launching one torpedo per launch with a rapid reload time of 8 seconds. Stocked with 100 torpedo casings, the McCoy Class typically carries 30 photon torpedoes for defensive purposes, with the remaining 70 casings reserved for scientific use, configurable for various probe classes. The torpedo launchers and storage rooms are located on Deck 13, ensuring efficient access and deployment during combat situations.


“The future is the home of our deepest fears and our wildest hopes.”

The Command Center

The Command Centre (Main Bridge) is located near the centre of Deck 1. It is a spacious bridge to allow for ease of movement between stations.
The central command area on the Bridge is located in a submerged dip accessed via two steps with the captain’s chair starboard side and the executive officer’s chair port side.
Behind the Captain’s chair is the Tactical station. Primarily this station monitors internal security, the use of tractor beams and sensor arrays. However it also serves as part of the defence for the ship should any combat situations arise.

Behind the command area, is a large array of multi-use consoles and GALEN’s command overview system interface.

On either side of the command interface system are science consoles. From the science consoles, the officers have priority access to all sensor input coming into the ship.
At the rear, the portside console nearest the entrance is the engineering bridge console which provides access to all data coming from the ship’s internal monitoring systems as well as access (where necessary) to repair and adjust various systems throughout the ship.

Directly opposite on the starboard side is the medical interface which houses the controls for the ship’s biological systems. This includes life support and environmental controls, but also allows for the monitoring of the medical centre and triage areas where required and monitoring samples and patients brought aboard if necessary.
Directly ahead of the command area, and down into a further sunken area, is the conn and navigation consoles.

Entryways to the bridge are located at the port and starboard sides on the upper level. The port door leads to the main turbo lift while the starboard door leads to an access corridor for the rest of the deck containing the Conference Room, XO’s Office and access to the Captain’s Ready Room.

Ship Security

Unlike its earlier counterparts, the Nightingale holds a multi-room security department located in a restricted area on Deck 10. This includes the Security Office itself, the Brig and the ship’s Armory.

Security Office Contains a work area, a personal viewscreen, a computer display, and a replicator.

Brig: Located via the main security office, the Brig is a restricted access area whose only entrance is from within the Security department. It houses one double-occupancy cell and two single occupancy cells secured with a level-10 force field emitter built into each doorway.

Weapon Storage: Throughout the ship, especially in key areas, there are emergency supply lockers that also contain weapons for the crew. These are limited to Type-2 phasers and compression rifles.

Other security systems

Internal Force Fields: Controlled from the Command Centre or from the Security office, force fields can be activated throughout the ship, effectively sealing off sections.

Internal Sensors: Used to monitor the internal security of the ship. They can identify the location of the crew via comm badges as standard or patients via patient ID wrist bands. Using both of these the general location of any person on board the ship can be ascertained quickly and efficiently.

Main Engineering

“I know engineers. They love to change things!”
Leonard McCoy - Star Trek

Engineering is located across Decks 10B and 11 of the Engineering hull on the Nightingale class, with main engineering taking the majority of Deck 11.
The room was constructed around a Class-9 warp drive. The warp core is horizontal instead of vertical. The reaction chamber can be seen via a hole in the deck before the main console. The reaction chamber is equipped with a compositor, which allows for dilithium recrystallization. There is a tube and double hatch directly aft of the core in the event that the core needs to be ejected. When the crew engages core ejection protocols, a mechanical ram-rod connects to the fore of the core and the hatch at the fore of the ejection tube opens. Thermal charges on the core mounts activate to disconnect the core from the vessel, and the ram-rod forcefully pushes the core into the ejection hatch. The fore hatch closes immediately after the core clears the opening, the aft hatch opens, and the momentum from the ram rod ideally sends the core aft of the vessel at 100 m/sec.

In front of the warp core is a large monitoring area which features the master situation table, main warp core monitoring system and power transfer conduits. Engineering labs with industrial replicators, the bio-neural gel pack nursery, and the bio-neural systems maintenance section are located in Upper Engineering on Deck 10B. Engineering also houses the Chief Engineer’s Office, an open work area for special projects or situational analysis, system monitoring stations, warp core and cooling assemblies, assorted power and systems trunking, the holographic mainframe cores and holographic system maintenance and an inter-level lift.
Science Laboratories

Besides the med labs in the medical centre, the Nightingale hosts seven science labs. Dedicated Biology, Chemistry and Physics labs are located on Deck 8 and easily modified depending on the mission parameters, along with 4 General Purpose labs. The Chief Science Officer’s office is also on this deck.
All laboratories are capable of supporting a variety of environments, temperatures ranging from -40 degrees Celsius to 100 degrees Celsius, and providing over a dozen different possible atmospheres.


Cargo Bays

The Nightingale-class is equipped with cargo facilities on Deck 9 of the primary hull and Deck 10B of the engineering hull. With Deck 9’s cargo bay being generally devoted to medical and scientific research supplies due to its proximity to the primary medical suite. This cargo bay requires security clearance to access and access is logged via GALEN. Deck 10B cargo bay contains normal starship cargo as required. Access does not require security clearance but is still logged. Each cargo bay is equipped with two cargo transporters.
Tractor Beams

The Nightingale is fitted with fore and aft tractor emitters located on the exterior of Deck 8. This position allows for access to both the shuttlebays in the engineering hull and the cargo bay.

It is capable of hauling cargo and towing disabled vessels. At a nominal delta-v of 5 m/sec, the main tractor beam emitters are capable of handling a mass of 7,500,000 metric tonnes at less than 1,000 meters. For a mass of one metric ton at the same delta-v, the effective range is 20,000 kilometres. The main tractor emitters use a pair of 16 Megawatt graviton polarity sources, for a total of 32 Megawatt graviton displacement power.


Four transporter rooms allow the Nightingale to transport injured personnel directly to either the Medical Center or the Triage Deck. Transporter Rooms One and Two are located on Deck 3. Transporter Rooms Three and Four are located on Deck 13 of the engineering hull. Each pair shares a pattern buffer for space efficiency. All transporter rooms contain eight transporter pads and have a nominal range of 40,000 km.


Medical Center
“Well Bones, do the new medical facilities meet with your approval?” ~ Kirk
“They do not. It’s like working in a damn computer centre” ~ McCoy (Star Trek: TMP)

The Nightingale sports two main Medical Suites rather than the standard ship sickbay facilities. It also has the ability to create more emergency clinic space should the need arise and dependant on the mission.

The walls of all medical dedicated areas are decorated with an atypical palette outside of the Starfleet issue blue and grey combination
As in all medical class ships all health-care facilities use independent environmental systems to eliminate the risk of ship-wide contamination.
The Primary Medical Suite is situated on Decks 5 and 6.

It features two access points (port and stern) with aseptic entry lobbies, central controlled section isolation doors and is equipped with holo-emitters for the usage of the Medical Hologram System.

The Primary Medical Suite is equipped with biohazard support, a radiation treatment ward, surgical and regular ICU wards, critical care, null-gravity treatment, isolation suites and dedicated surgical suites. It also hosts both a General Care and Obstetrics area.
The total bed capacity for the suite is 200.

In addition to typical ICU beds, the regular ICU also includes completely quarantined units, capable of supporting class M or K environments, temperatures ranging from -40 degrees Celsius to 100 degrees Celsius, and providing over a dozen different possible atmospheres.
The Convalescent/Recovery Ward is also located here.

The Primary Suite includes the Chief of Staff’s Office, and a medical staff ready room alongside their small personal laboratory, the Head Nurses Office and nursing station alongside a Reception Centre/Waiting Area.

Deck 6 hosts a Dental Suite to round out the Primary Medical Centre. Also adjacent are extensive medical research, biochemical and analysis labs.

The Morgue and Cryogenic Stasis labs also are located in this area.

A dedicated Psychiatry and Counselling Suite is located on Deck 7 to create a more comprehensive medical treatment environment.
The Secondary Medical Suite is on Deck 12.

It houses the Assistant Medical Officer’s Office and provides a smaller General Care area, additional dedicated emergency surgical suites, an adjacent surgical care ICU, along with a general ICU area.

The total patient capacity for this Suite is 100 beds.

Finally, the Secondary Suite has a physical therapy section complete with gym and therapeutic baths.

Medical areas further detailed (Both, Primary [P] and Secondary [S])

Convalescence/ Recovery Ward [P]
This area is for patients who have received treatment, or require overnight treatment and/or monitoring. This is also where non-critical patients are placed after surgery. Each space includes overhead monitors, sanitized pillows and sheets for each bed, one replicator, and a supply storage cabinet close by.
General Care Unit [Both]

This area is for general treatment including basic injuries, physicals, common diseases, and anything else that doesn’t look to be particularly life-threatening or contagious.
Intensive Care Unit / Surgical Intensive Care Unit [Both]

Each biobed is rigged for continuous 3-dimensional scanning and monitoring of the patient. It includes a computer link-up to an alarm system programmed to react and respond to the patient’s life-signs with adjustable acceptable parameters. An unstable reading or life sign will result in a “Code Blue” alarm and engage code blue protocols. At this time the computer will auto engage digital resuscitation and life support until a medical officer is present. If one does not respond within an acceptable time frame, normally 2/3 minutes the EMH programme will respond. It also includes one replicator, additional life support hardware for each bed and back-up battery power.

Primary Suite ICU containers the above and also, as stated, houses completely quarantined units, capable of supporting class M or K environments, temperatures ranging from -40 degrees Celsius to 98 degrees Celsius, and providing over a dozen different possible atmospheres.

Medlabs [Both]
Includes one replicator, material diagnostics stations, a centrifuge, gene analysis terminal, stasis field drawers for storage of biological samples.
Surgical Suites [Both]

Along with the usual surgical tools, the room includes a surgical frame biobed complete with mobile life support equipment, atmospheric isolation systems, and scanning/monitoring readout station. The room also has access to a small replicator designed for pharmaceuticals, equipment or other materials such as replacement organs or blood.
Morgue [P]

Contains stasis field storage slots for several bodies, a table for post-mortem examinations rigged for continuous 3-dimensional scanning and monitoring of the corpse and aseptic entries.

Dental Suite [P]
Designed in greys and blacks it is a more muted copy of the Psychiatric Suite. Four closed offices with dental chairs and individual replicators encircle a computer-operated reception centre/waiting area. (Staffed by ALBERT)

Triage Deck [S]
Deck 14 is configured as a large, open area, with limited storage facilities for removable bulkheads. This “Triage Deck” can be reconfigured using removable and folding bulkheads into an extra triage centre, guest quarters, surgical centre, or additional medical facilities, depending on the requirements of the mission. A functional reconfiguration can be performed in approximately ten minutes. The aft section of the deck has Transporter Rooms Three and Four so that wounded can be beamed directly into what can be used as a triage area. Two gangplanks extend through the rear of Deck 12 to load wounded directly onto the Triage Deck in case of a landing.
Depending on configuration, this space can hold up to 200 beds.

Psychiatric and Counselling Suite
The Nightingale hosts a dedicated Psychiatry and Counselling Suite on Deck 7. Total capacity for this suite is 60 patients.
It features one access point with similar aseptic entry lobbies and central controlled section isolation doors as the primary medical suite. The entire deck is equipped with holo-emitters for the usage of the Medical Hologram System and Reception Hologram system.

From the access point a computer-operated reception centre and waiting area (staffed by HARLEEN) gives access on the right to the counselling portion which hosts the Chief of Psychiatry’s office, two on-duty psychiatrist/counselling offices, a group therapy area and individual therapy rooms.

Two holosuites, for therapeutic and patient use only are also located on this side of the suite. Three other dedicated ’comfort’ rooms also exist for meditation and reflection.
On the left of the reception is the psychiatric care portion of the deck. This section requires secure entry. It hosts another two on-duty offices, a larger group therapy room and two wards divided into two separate areas: lower risk and moderate/high risk.

The lower risk contains three more individual therapy rooms, some individual patient quarters, a small ward area with psychiatric care enabled biobeds and a central communal space for therapy, eating, and recreation. It hosts a third holosuite for therapy use.

The moderate/high risk is similar to the lower risk area without the holosuite access and with only individual patient rooms. This area is designed for temporary care before individuals are transferred to a medical facility. It can only be accessed with medical, security or command clearance.

Visual sensors and audio recordings for the entire suite can be done but only with the voice code of psychiatric staff, the Chief of Staff, or crew with command-level access.
The Psychiatric Suites operate with a “Code Violet” protocol which means that should someone, crew, visitor or patient become aggressive, abusive, violent or display threatening behaviour towards the psychiatric staff, or HARLEEN can activate this protocol and request emergency response from the EMH programme who can assist staff to resolve the situation and remove the person to a patient room

Common Codes

Throughout the physical and mental health areas of the ship, common codes will be used to alert the health professionals to certain situations that require immediate attention. A Code is not a general alert status and is not applicable to the entire ship. This Code list is not comprehensive and can be added to as a crew sees fit.

Code Blue: Cardiac arrest/Medical emergency
Code White: Pediatric medical emergency
Code Violet: Violent/Combative patient
Code Orange: Hazardous material spills
Code Green: Missing patient


There are two standard holodeck facilities on the Nightingale class for general crew use located on Deck 4. Two holosuites for general crew use are located on Deck 12.

Crew Quarters: Standard living quarters are provided for Starfleet non-commissioned officers, junior officers, and attached civilian personnel. Each quarter is furnished basically with seating areas, a workstation and a standard replicator. Single rooms have a single bedroom while double rooms have two, one on each side. Bedrooms in a single have room for a small double-sized or single bed and personal belongings as the resident sees fit. A shower room is located on the opposite side from the bedroom’s entrance and has a sonic shower, washbasin, mirror and several drawers. A variation of the crew quarters is available for families.

Department Head/Section Chief Quarters: Similarly designed to the crew quarters the officers’ quarters have a bigger workstation with a department/command centre computer liaison interface to perform off-duty work. In addition, officer quarters also contain a small dining area. Furnishing is at the officers’ discretion and slightly more luxurious than the basic.
Command Quarters: Executive quarters are similar to that of the officer’s quarters, however, a slightly larger living and dining area and a full bathroom by default. Slightly more luxurious furniture is also provided since the Captain and First Officer often use this room as an informal meeting area for both private conferencing and reception of guests.
VIP/Diplomatic Guest Quarters: Located on Deck 2 are the same as executive quarters but feature private communications terminals for secure conferencing and an additional living area(s) for diplomatic aides. These quarters can be converted to alternative environments given notice.

Recreational Environments

Gymnasium: Being a hospital ship, much importance is placed on physical health and well-being and as such crew are encouraged to make use of the gym facilities. Located on Deck 4, the Gym consists of standard gym equipment, a matted area for wrestling, martial arts, etc and a weight area.

Swim Spas: Located immediately next to the gymnasium, there are two swim spas. While most personnel choose to use the holodeck for their swimming needs, the pool exists mainly for physical fitness and rehabilitation.

The spas are self contained resistance swimming apparatuses that allow the swimmer to stay in one place. At five meters in length, they also contain a secondary area set-up as a hot tub for rest time and therapeutic soaking, allowing two people to use a single spa at any given time. The swimming apparatus has various strength settings to simulate a more gentle or stronger river setting, depending on the swimmer’s preference and rehabilitation requirements. Both the number and strength of the jets, as well as the water temperature can be adjusted as needed.

Arboretum: This communal space is on Deck 9. The arboretum offers pathways and sitting areas, along with beds for growing food as the crew desires.

Lounge: This large lounge is located on Deck 4, and serves as a place of social gathering for all members of the crew and their guests. Serving as the social centre of the ship, it has a number of tables that line the windows. A bar lines the length of the aft-facing wall of the room and is serviced by an on-duty bartender. Two replicators provide the crew with beverages and food, while a limited stock of alcoholic beverages is available beneath the counter. The Lounge has a pool table plus a battery of recreational games and assorted activities which are available on request (card games, chess etc.)

Mess Hall: The Mess is located on Deck 4 and is primarily used for food consumption only. It is equipped with a bank of four replicators and a variety of seating configurations to accommodate up to 100 people.

“Jerry, call security. Somebody’s in my parking space”
Dr. Doug Ross, ER

There are two shuttlebays spanning Decks 8B and 9B, with the main control areas for each located on Deck 8B.
The Nightingale supports two refitted Longevity-Class runabouts (The Chiron and The Eir). These two auxiliary craft are designed with dedicated medical modules in order to function as an “ambulance in space” to ferry wounded between the ship and the target site, or the ship and a larger medical facility, or they can also function as small field hospitals when needed. (A portion of the general-purpose area has been outfitted as a breakout medical area able to hold 3 additional biobeds giving the runabout 5 in total.) Medical supplies carried on board include standard medical fare to equipment for major surgeries. An additional computer core added to monitor patients; contains an up-to-date medical library and ties into the GALEN ship system for use in the shuttles.

The ship also hosts three shuttlecraft and two shuttle pods.

Dimensions & Structure:
Length: 455 meters
Beam (Width): 221.67 meters
Height: 73 meters
Decks: 15 (10 decks in primary hull, 8 decks in the secondary hull with 3 that overlap, listed separately)
Crew Complement:
Officers and Crew: 450
+ Command: 15 + Engineering: 100 + Medical: 185 + Mental Health: 30 + Science: 70 + Security: 50Visiting Personnel: 200
Maximum Evacuation Limit: 6000
Computer Systems:
Core: Isolinear data core with bioneural processing x3
Operating System: Starfleet Library Computer Access and Retrieval System (LCARS)
User Interface: GALEN (variant of MAJEL OS)
Warp Systems:
Power Plant: One 1909+ Cochrane MARA core feeding two variable geometry nacelles
Cruising Velocity: Warp 6.0
Max. Sustainable Velocity: Warp 9.2
Max. Velocity: Warp 9.6 (12 hours)
Emergency Speed: Warp 9.8 (3 hours)
Impulse Systems:
Full Impulse: 0.27c
Zero-0.27c: 5.8 seconds
0.27c-Zero: 7.3 seconds
Defensive Systems:
Shield Maximum Graviton Load (Continuous): 1881 MegaWatts
Shield Maximum Energy Dissipation Rate: 5.11x10^5 kiloWatts/s
Offensive Systems:
Torpedo tubes (x2)
Standard payload: 100 photon torpedoes
Phaser systems
3 Type-8 phaser arrays with 75 emitter each and 6 Type-7 phaser arrays with 60 emitters each

Deck Layout


Deck 1:
Conference Room
Main Bridge (Command Center)
Captain's Ready Room
Executive Officer's Office

Deck 2:
Observation Lounge
Captain's Quarters
Executive Officer's Quarters
VIP Quarters

Deck 3:
Department Head Quarters
Transporter Rooms 1 & 2

Deck 4:
Crew Lounge
Gym/Pool/Swim Spas
Mess Hall

Deck 5:
Primary Medical Suite
Intensive Care Unit/Surgical ICU
Chief of Staff's Office
Medical Staff Ready Room
Head Nurse's Office

Deck 6:
Medical Labs
Convalescence/Recovery Ward
Dental Suite

Deck 7:
Crew Psychiatry and Counseling Suite
Chief Psychiatry Officer's Office
Psychiatry Ward

Deck 8A:
Chief Science Officer's Office
General Purpose Science Labs
Biology Lab
Chemistry Lab
Physics Lab
Crew Quarters

Deck 9A:
Cargo Bays
Crew Quarters
Guest Quarters

Deck 10A:
Security Office
Ship's Armory
Chief of Security's Office
Crew Quarters


Deck 8B:
Shuttle Bay 1 (Upper Level)
Shuttle Bay 2 (Upper Level)

Deck 9B:
Shuttle Bay 1 (Lower Level)
Shuttle Bay 2 (Lower Level)
Cargo Bays

Deck 10B:
Cargo Bays
Upper Engineering

Deck 11:
Main Engineering
Main Deflector A
Warp Core
Core Ejection Systems

Deck 12:
Secondary Medical Suite
Main Deflector B

Deck 13:
Transporter Rooms 3 & 4
Main Deflector C

Deck 14:
Triage Deck

Deck 15:
Medical Module Storage


USS Beverly Crusher (NCC-94627)
Commissioned: 2375
Status: Active

USS Hippocrates (NCC-94512)
Commissioned: 2376
Status: Active

USS Galen (NCC-94705)
Commissioned: 2378
Status: Active

USS Florence Nightingale (NCC-94820)
Commissioned: 2379
Status: Active

USS Clara Barton (NCC-94915)
Commissioned: 2380
Status: Active

USS Elizabeth Blackwell (NCC-95002)
Commissioned: 2382
Status: Active


The McCoy-class Medical Cruiser stands as a testament to Starfleet’s commitment to the preservation of life and the advancement of medical science. Designed to venture into the far reaches of space, this vessel combines state-of-the-art medical facilities with cutting-edge technology to provide aid and support wherever it is needed most. With its modular design, the McCoy-class can adapt to a wide range of missions, from humanitarian relief efforts to emergency response in hostile environments.
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