USS Beverly Crusher (NCC-94627)
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Rhiannon "Rhea" Kellis (Host name: Kelera) Empty Rhiannon "Rhea" Kellis (Host name: Kelera)

Tue May 21, 2024 11:17 am
Name: Lieutenant Commander Rhiannon "Rhea" Kellis (Host name: Kelera)

Species: Trill (with a symbiotic relationship with a symbiont named Kelera)


Lieutenant Commander Rhiannon "Rhea" Kellis, or Kelera in her previous host lives, is a seasoned Starfleet officer with a wealth of experience and expertise. As the executive officer (XO) of her ship, Kelera plays a critical role in its day-to-day operations, overseeing crew assignments, coordinating missions, and ensuring the ship runs smoothly. Her leadership skills and tactical acumen have earned her the respect and admiration of her fellow officers.

Appearance: Kelera's appearance changes with each new host, but her presence remains commanding. As the executive officer of her ship, she exudes confidence and authority, with a keen intellect and a strategic mind. Her ever-changing eyes hold a depth of knowledge and understanding that belies her outward appearance.

Encounter: Coryn first encounters Lieutenant Commander Kellis, or Kelera, on board her ship after being apprehended following a scuffle on Haven's Reach. As Kelera observes him, she is struck by a sense of familiarity, a fleeting reminder of one of her previous hosts who possessed a similar fighting spirit. Recognizing potential in the man, Kelera offers him a chance to prove themselves and make a difference in the galaxy.


Intrigued by the resemblance to her past host, Kelera takes Vinoda under her wing and offers him guidance and mentorship. She shares snippets of her previous host's life and experiences, drawing parallels between them and Coryn. As they work together on the ship, Kelera imparts valuable lessons on leadership, teamwork, and Starfleet values, shaping Coryn into a capable officer.


Through Kelera's mentorship, your character grows and develops, learning valuable lessons that will serve them well in their future career. Kelera's guidance inspires your character to pursue a career in Starfleet, and her influence leaves a lasting imprint on their journey. As they part ways, your character carries with them the wisdom and lessons learned from their time under Kelera's tutelage.

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