USS Beverly Crusher (NCC-94627)
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Join date : 2024-05-21

Astra - Bartender (Celestial Lounge Deck 4) Empty Astra - Bartender (Celestial Lounge Deck 4)

Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:42 pm
Name: Astra
Species: Zeltrian
Physical Characteristics:
Age: 142 (equivalent to mid-30s in human years)
Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
Weight: 130 lbs (59 kg)
Eye Color: Amber
Hair Color: Black, long and flowing
Distinguishing Features: Astra has intricate facial markings that are unique to her species, which glow faintly in dim lighting.

Personality and Traits:
Charming and Affable: Astra is known for her warm and inviting personality. She has a natural charm and charisma that draws people to her.

Skilled Mixologist: As a bartender, Astra is an expert mixologist, capable of crafting a wide variety of drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, to suit the tastes of diverse crew members.

Empathic Listener: She has a keen ability to listen empathically to the concerns and stories of others, making her a trusted confidante among the crew.

Playful and Flirtatious: Astra enjoys playful banter and has a flirtatious demeanor, which adds to the lively atmosphere of the bar.

Background and History:
Homeworld: Astra hails from Zeltria, a lush and vibrant planet known for its rich cultural heritage and exotic beauty.

Bartending Experience: Before joining the USS Crusher, Astra worked as a bartender at various establishments across different starbases and planets, gaining a reputation for her exceptional skills and hospitality.

Cultural Exchange: She joined Starfleet as part of a cultural exchange program, aiming to share her species' unique perspective and traditions with other civilizations.

Role on the USS Crusher:

Bartender at "The Celestial Lounge": Astra manages the Celestial Lounge aboard the USS Crusher, a popular gathering place for crew members to unwind and socialize.

Cultural Ambassador: Beyond mixing drinks, Astra serves as a cultural ambassador, introducing crew members to Zeltrian customs, music, and cuisine.

Confidante and Advisor: Crew members often seek out Astra not only for drinks but also for her wise counsel and empathetic ear.

Additional Details:

Interests: Astra has a passion for Zeltrian folk music and dance, often hosting cultural events in the Celestial Lounge.

Languages: She is fluent in several languages, including Zeltrian, Federation Standard, and conversational Vulcan.

Relationships: Astra has developed close friendships with many crew members, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie aboard the USS Crusher.

Recent History: Astra was selected to serve on the USS Crusher after catching the attention of the ship's commanding officer, Lieutenant Commander Coryn Vinoda, during a cultural festival on Starbase 12. Impressed by her skills and cultural knowledge, Coryn offered her the position of bartender on the ship. Astra eagerly accepted the opportunity to join the Crusher's crew, excited to explore new frontiers and share her Zeltrian heritage with others.

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